Selling Hoagies

Selling hoagies may seem difficult, especially to new Band, Orchestra, and Top 21 members and parents. However, most students end up finding that it is really easy to sell hoagies! You will discover that the community of Bethel Park has supported our hoagie sales for 48 years and they are happy to continue that support!

Hoagie Selling Tips
  • Start with family and friends. Remember, hoagie customers do not have to be Bethel Park residents!
  • Neighbors are often happy to support you and the BP Music Program as they are often aware of the proud history and tradition of the Pride in Performance of Bethel Park musicians.
  • Local businesses patronized by music students and their families may be pleased to have someone they know as their salesperson. It’s an easy (and delicious) way for folks to get lunch on a Saturday.
  • Check with any music students you know that graduated last school year. They are likely to have a list of customers that they may be willing to provide to you.
  • Mission hoagies are always a great option for out of town family and friends and for those that may not want to order hoagies for themselves. You simply collect the money for the Mission hoagies. The Mission hoagies are given directly to a few local missions, which helps to fulfill their critical role.
  • Call or email the Hoagie Chairpersons. Unsolicited orders are sometimes received through our publicity advertisements.
  • Once you have established a list of hoagie customers, always reach out to them for every sale! This makes selling for future sales extremely easy.